Richard J. Mullany
Mr. Mullany specializes in the management and financial analysis of income producing properties and investment portfolios. He provides a strong emphasis on the importance of establishing, managing and maintaining value in any project he is associated with. He has always focused on the imperative of long-termed, sustained asset growth.
Before returning to his private practice as an Independent Financial Analyst, Mr. Mullany spent three years as a Financial Service Representative for Chittenden Investments. There he had responsibility for their Asset Allocation Portfolio.
Prior to his work with Chittenden Investments he worked as an Independent Financial Advisor responsible for the management of securities and investment accounts for individuals, corporations, and retirement plans.
Mr. Mullany developed his investment and asset management skills with Merrill Lynch Securities and the First Albany Corporation, Inc. In Burlington, Vermont.
Mr. Mullany started his career in commercial real estate with Farrell & Desautels Real Estate in Burlington, Vermont. Mr. Mullany has taught Economics and Philosophy at the Green Mountain Valley School. He graduated from the University of Vermont and has completed all of his course work for the CCIM designation.
Mr. Mullany was recently added to HUD’s list of HOPE VI expediters and is designated as an expediter under Griffon’s current contract with HUD.